import pandas as pd
= pd.read_csv("") np_data
August 1, 2024
What is the average number of visits for each state?
Save as avg_state_visits
and then view the resulting dataframe.
State | RecreationVisits | |
0 | AK | 1.377887e+05 |
1 | AR | 1.336286e+06 |
2 | AS | 1.627135e+04 |
3 | AZ | 1.840670e+06 |
4 | CA | 9.730535e+05 |
5 | CO | 1.029783e+06 |
6 | FL | 4.722664e+05 |
7 | HI | 1.307400e+06 |
8 | IN | 1.776658e+06 |
9 | KY | 1.342024e+06 |
10 | ME | 2.909380e+06 |
11 | MI | 1.965193e+04 |
12 | MN | 2.218540e+05 |
13 | MO | 2.465409e+06 |
14 | MT | 2.006450e+06 |
15 | ND | 5.174973e+05 |
16 | NM | 5.423827e+05 |
17 | NV | 8.123107e+04 |
18 | OH | 2.153601e+06 |
19 | OR | 4.796753e+05 |
20 | SC | 8.927681e+04 |
21 | SD | 8.144197e+05 |
22 | TN | 9.506039e+06 |
23 | TX | 2.421379e+05 |
24 | UT | 1.090876e+06 |
25 | VA | 1.518425e+06 |
26 | VI | 5.735757e+05 |
27 | WA | 1.498398e+06 |
28 | WV | 9.854926e+05 |
29 | WY | 2.719573e+06 |
Discuss/consider: What state has the most and least average visits? What patterns or surprises do you notice?
What is the average number of visits for each National Park?
Save as avg_park_visits
and then view the resulting dataframe.
ParkName | RecreationVisits | |
0 | Acadia NP | 2.909380e+06 |
1 | Arches NP | 8.315601e+05 |
2 | Badlands NP | 1.016205e+06 |
3 | Big Bend NP | 3.064676e+05 |
4 | Biscayne NP | 4.485172e+05 |
... | ... | ... |
58 | Wind Cave NP | 6.126346e+05 |
59 | Wrangell-St. Elias NP & PRES | 4.733967e+04 |
60 | Yellowstone NP | 3.017686e+06 |
61 | Yosemite NP | 3.448971e+06 |
62 | Zion NP | 2.494319e+06 |
63 rows × 2 columns
Discuss/consider: Which National Park has the most and least average visits? What patterns or surprises do you notice?
How many National Parks are there in each state?
Save your answer as distinct_parks
State | NumParks | |
0 | AK | 8 |
1 | AR | 1 |
2 | AS | 1 |
3 | AZ | 3 |
4 | CA | 9 |
5 | CO | 4 |
6 | FL | 3 |
7 | HI | 2 |
8 | IN | 1 |
9 | KY | 1 |
10 | ME | 1 |
11 | MI | 1 |
12 | MN | 1 |
13 | MO | 1 |
14 | MT | 1 |
15 | ND | 1 |
16 | NM | 2 |
17 | NV | 1 |
18 | OH | 1 |
19 | OR | 1 |
20 | SC | 1 |
21 | SD | 2 |
22 | TN | 1 |
23 | TX | 2 |
24 | UT | 5 |
25 | VA | 1 |
26 | VI | 1 |
27 | WA | 3 |
28 | WV | 1 |
29 | WY | 2 |
Discuss/consider: What state has the most and least average visits? What patterns or surprises do you notice?