<- read.csv("",
np_data stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
February 26, 2024
View the np_data dataframe by clicking on the spreadsheet icon in the Global Environment
Select 2 columns from the data using a DPLYR function.
Save this 2-column dataframe to the variable smaller_df.
Make sure to use the pipe %>% operator!
Filter the dataframe for only values in the state of Washington and save to the variable wa_parks
ParkName | Region | State | Year | RecreationVisits |
Mount Rainier NP | Pacific West | WA | 1979 | 1516703 |
Mount Rainier NP | Pacific West | WA | 1980 | 1268256 |
Mount Rainier NP | Pacific West | WA | 1981 | 1233671 |
Mount Rainier NP | Pacific West | WA | 1982 | 1007300 |
Mount Rainier NP | Pacific West | WA | 1983 | 1106306 |
Mount Rainier NP | Pacific West | WA | 1984 | 1152411 |
Calculate the sum total of RecreationVisits to Washington by using summarize() on the smaller dataframe wa_parks
Filter the dataframe for only values in another state (your choice) and save to a variable. Calculate the sum total of RecreationVisits to this state by using summarize().
title: "Introduction to DPLYR with National Park Visitation Data (Solution)"
date: "2024-02-26"
categories: [dplyr, exercise, solution]
#image: ""
- text: R Script
href: Intro-to-DPLYR-NP-Solutions.R
icon: file-code
- text: R Script
href: Intro-to-DPLYR-NP-Solutions.R
icon: file-code
code-overflow: wrap
code-fold: show
editor: visual
df-print: kable
warn: false
code-tools: true
eval: true
# <span style="color:red;"> Solution </span>
<a href="Intro-to-DPLYR-NP-Solutions.R" download="Intro-to-DPLYR-NP-Solutions.R">Download as R Script</a>
<span style="color:green;"> [Exercise Without Solutions](Intro-to-DPLYR-NP.qmd) </span>
## Load National Park Visitation data
np_data <- read.csv("",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
View the np_data dataframe by clicking on the spreadsheet icon in the Global Environment
## Install tidyverse
#| eval: false
## Load dplyr library
#| message: false
## Exercise 1
Select 2 columns from the data using a DPLYR function.
Save this 2-column dataframe to the variable smaller_df.
Make sure to use the pipe %>% operator!
smaller_df <- np_data %>% select(Year, RecreationVisits)
# Question: How does the number of visits to Washington national parks compare to another state?
## Exercise 2
Filter the dataframe for only values in the state of Washington and save to the variable wa_parks
wa_parks <- np_data %>% filter(State == "WA")
## Exercise 3
Calculate the sum total of RecreationVisits to Washington by using summarize() on the smaller dataframe wa_parks
wa_parks %>% summarize(sum(RecreationVisits))
# Exercise 4
Filter the dataframe for only values in another state (your choice) and save to a variable.
Calculate the sum total of RecreationVisits to this state by using summarize().
ca_parks <- np_data %>% filter(State == "CA")
ca_parks %>% summarize(sum(RecreationVisits))
# Question: How do the number of visits to these 2 states compare to one another?
(wa_parks %>% summarize(sum(RecreationVisits))) -
ca_parks %>% summarize(sum(RecreationVisits))